Women in Leadership

Women Leadership is on a cutting edge of revolution. This is an exciting time and it calls for women to harness their authentic power, so that they can surge forward challenging the cultural norms and unconscious biases. Women bring their unique attributes and talents to the workplace, adding richness to the environment.
I help women to claim their power and presence as leaders by helping them develop confidence, believe in their unique voice and enhance their visibility.

SheLEADs Programmes

Create your unique personal brand, build your confidence and vibrant well being to thrive and succeed.
For women executives poised for career progression
Empowered You
For women leaders who want to power up their leadership presence
Powering Leadership
Powering Leadership for women leaders who want to power up their leadership skills


You are excited and ready for the next big step in your career!

However, you may be experiencing periods of self-doubt and perhaps your inner critic may be impacting your self-confidence. You may be wondering what your next steps should be? Or you probably have questions in your mind on balancing the demands of work and home, when you move further up, to a challenging leadership role.

This coaching programme will prepare you for your career progression by helping you to gain clarity, build confidence by letting go of limiting beliefs and leveraging your strengths. You will gain tools to manage your disturbing emotions. Your heightened self-awareness will lead you to discover and define your personal brand.

You wish to hold your presence in a more powerful manner in the organisation.

But you tend to focus on other people’s perceptions and judgements about you and these assumptions can limit you and impact your confidence making you hold back. Sometimes your own voice of self-doubt keeps you away from the recognition and opportunities you deserve.

This coaching programme helps you to develop courage for your voice to be heard. You are able to speak up and influence attention to what you say and do, by understanding the nuances of positive body language and communication. Additionally, you overcome any limiting beliefs around being visible and open the path to handling other people’s perceptions in a positive manner. Networking is an additional skill that can be gained in this programme.

Empowered You

Powering Leadership

As a woman leader are you seeking to use your unique strengths, perspectives and creativity to the fullest, to inspire, influence and lead your teams? It may be that you are missing some blind spots or you may be need to refresh your perspective

This coaching programme helps you take steps towards your personal leadership vision. It helps you give a fresh identity to your unique leadership voice and authentic style.

Uncovering blind spots you change behaviours to create more of what you want in your leadership.

Change Starts With A Single Step

Book a discovery call with me to know if I can help you. My coaching sessions are tailored to your needs and held across Chennai, India and globally.