“The Power To Achieve
Your Vision Is Within You.”

“Draw from your unique strengths and innate wisdom to lead yourself and others with greater clarity, transformative change and higher impact.” — Payal Rajaratnam, Executive Coach

Positive change starts with a single step!

Book your complimentary discovery session to know how the coaching methodology can help you achieve your goals

I help Leaders and High Potential Individuals
Lead Self

Open Blind Spots
Achieve Clarity
Navigate Difficult Emotions

Lead Others

Grow In Confidence
Enhance Leadership Impact
Power Up Communication

Achieve Change

Shift Mindset & Behaviours
Be Your Higher Self
Lead with Vision

Payal Rajaratnam Executive Coach

Hi, I Am Payal Rajaratnam......and welcome to the Empowered Leadership Circle!

I am an Executive Coach with over 20 years of global corporate work experience in people and customer-oriented roles. Furthermore, I have an abundance of industry experience in training emerging leaders.

As a Professional Certified Coach (PCC, ICF), I have spent over 2000 hours coaching senior leaders and entrepreneurs. Over the last 9 years, my clients and I have worked together to elevate their leadership, self-management, communication and people skills, and emotional intelligence. The transformative power of the coaching methodology has supported my clients in opening blind spots, shifting mindsets, and creating positive changes to achieve their goals. My mission is to help my clients enhance their personal and leadership impact. Together, we embark on a journey of learning and growth!

Coached Clients From

— Explore My Coaching Services —

Attain clarity and focus, Shift mindset and behaviours to overcome challenges, Open blind spots and Create positive change to grow professionally and personally through my in-depth coaching sessions

What My Clients Are Saying

Change starts with a single step.

Book a virtual or in-person meeting for a heartfelt conversation. I love listening to you!

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